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Ethics Policy

This policy sets out the principles which guide how SportCheer England behave, and how we work with suppliers.

Who this policy applies to

This ethics policy applies to all staff, officers, directors, trustees, volunteers, agents and advisors

(together, “Personnel”) of SportCheer England ( known as “SCE”), as well as to all persons or organizations that provide products or services to SCE (“Suppliers”).

We expect our Personnel and Suppliers to act with honesty and integrity in all situations. Breaches of the ethics policy may therefore lead to disciplinary action. This could include dismissal from employment or volunteer services, and restrictions and/or limitations on participation in/access to any benefits, facilities or services provided by SCE.

Conflicts of Interest

Personnel and Suppliers shall avoid any situation which has or could have a direct or indirect Conflict of Interest between SCE and any of the Personnel’s or Supplier’s own personal, professional and/or business interests.

A Conflict of Interest is defined as a situation where any of the Personnel or Suppliers has a business or personal interest which potentially competes with an interest of SCE. Such competing interests can make it difficult for such Personnel, Suppliers or SCE to fulfil their duties impartially.

Even where there is no evidence of improper actions, a Conflict of Interest can create the appearance of impropriety, which could undermine confidence in the ability of SCE or its Personnel or Suppliers to act properly and fairly.

A Conflict of Interest may arise in many situations, including, but not limited to, situations where:

• Personnel or Suppliers are likely to make a financial gain, or avoid a financial loss, at the expense of SCE;

• Personnel or Suppliers have a personal interest or investment in a service provided to SCE or received from SCE; or

• In relation to a service provided to SCE or received from SCE, Personnel or Suppliers receive or will receive or pays or will pay, as the case may be, abenefit in the form of monies, goods or services that is other than a standard commission or fee for that service.

Upon determining that a Conflict of Interest does or may exist, Personnel and Suppliers shall immediately notify both the Director of SCE and a member of the Board of Directors and explain the nature and circumstances of the conflict or potential conflict. The Board of Directors (excluding, to the extent applicable, any such directors that are the subject of the Conflict of Interest under consideration) shall then determine how to handle such Conflict of Interest.


In the conduct of SCE business, Personnel and Suppliers must not give or receive bribes or other improper benefit, gain or advantage in exchange for any business, financial or non-financial benefit, gain or advantage. Bribery is a criminal offense in the UK under the Bribery Act (2010). Bribery can be committed by an individual or a company, and is defined as any offer, promise, payment, transfer, request, agreement to receive, or receipt of, anything of value, whether directly or indirectly, to or from any person, in order to induce that person to perform his or her role improperly. Any demand for, or offer of, any bribe or any improper benefit, gain or advantage must be immediately rejected and reported to the Board of Directors.


Personnel and Suppliers are not permitted to accept gifts from public officials. Gifts, hospitality and other benefits from non-public officials must be disclosed to and approved by the Board of Directors.

Employment of Agents

Where agents are employed, their remuneration must not exceed the normal and reasonable commercial rates for legitimate services and must be properly accounted for. Personnel and Suppliers must not employ agents to circumvent the rules on bribes and gifts.

Trade Secrets

Personnel and Suppliers must not, at any time, communicate, disclose, use, exploit or cause any unauthorised disclosure of any trade secrets or confidential information relating to SCE, outside of any permitted disclosure in the ordinary course of business to other SCE employees or members of the Board of Directors, and may not use any confidential information to the detriment or prejudice of SCE.

Intellectual Property

Personnel and Suppliers must not, without prior written authorization from SCE, copy, disclose, use, sell or offer for sale any of SCE’s intellectual property. Intellectual property shall include all intangible property of SCE, including, but not limited to, all property protected under patents, trademarks and copyrights.


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